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As soon as my partner had worked with Ady, I noticed the difference.  I had seen in my partner going from feeling terrible anxiety that prevented him from doing certain things, to now simply doing those things.  This gave me the confidence to turn to Ady for his help overcoming my problems.

After many years of being stuck on the same wheel of bouts of depression and anxiety, Ady has helped me to make friends with my past and has given me the best tools to handle my mental health for the present and my future.  I felt the effect immediately.  Despite a couple of minor setbacks (Ady provided some follow-up support) I now feel I’m in a much stronger position to take responsibility for helping myself.  After clearing out my ‘emotional baggage’ so to speak I am now able to use the simple tools that Ady has taught me to keep myself positive.  As a result, I feel so happy that they have helped my outlook on life and my wellbeing. 

These mindset tools are clear in my mind and they act as a reminder to help me in different situations and when I use them they really work!  I found that he was a great listener and focused intently to help me. I am so grateful for the time he gave me. 

Louise Stoker






The tools Louise speaks of are just one part of a comprehensive process.  It is the subconscious work that she undertook, resolving past experiences, releasing the negative emotion stored in the past around these experiences and removing the negative beliefs that were created by these experiences, that is the key.  This allows new ways of thinking to take root.  Some people already know how to think in an adaptive way because they have read literature or worked with mindset coaches etc. and others have yet to learn.  Many people know how to think but can't seem to do it.  This is because there is too much emotional weight in the past that holds them back.  The game changer is the the ability to harness one's own subconscious to change the problem one created subconsciously in the first place.  For that you need effective processes and someone who understands them, to deliver them.them.



I've been fortunate to have experienced a number of professional coaching programmes in my time so when I was given the opportunity to work with Ady for three days I walked in thinking I knew what was coming. I'll be the first to admit, I was very wrong. 

From the off, Ady could read me like a book. He could tell me exactly why I was behaving they way I was and he was genuinely committed to changing a stubborn mindset for the better. The three days we worked together felt bespoke, and he has a knack for identifying key themes and triggers that have followed me around both personally and professionally. 

In the weeks since working with Ady, I've felt a genuine sense of calm and noted a few small changes that I appreciate will grow into bigger changes as I continue the journey. 

Most importantly for someone like myself, I feel a sense of belonging in the professional world and the dreaded "imposter syndrome" was left at the door down in Devon. 

Thanks Ady, appreciate the support - now time to get busy living!

Tom Lay

Manchester & Windsor




Further to this recommendation, this came from Tom in an email, reporting on some of the changes he has noticed since completing various processes working with both his subconscious and his conscious mind.  I share it here with his permission.

Just a small thing, but I’ve been flying solo this week whilst my wife is away with Sam visiting her parents, and I’ve been dashing to and from Tesco for lunch.  Cut a long story short, I usually grab the sausage roll / pizza / crisps – basically, all the carby bad stuff but this week I’ve just not felt like it?  So I’ve been eating salads and fruit – Emma nearly fell off her chair when I told her what I’d been eating for lunch - ha!


Also, really noticed stress levels – literally, there are none.  We’re manic at work but I’m happily gliding through it and honestly, it’s making a world of difference.


Thought you’d like to know 😊


I can't thank Ady enough for enabling me to make the changes to my life that I never thought I could.


I first had the opportunity to speak to Ady about three years ago, but I firmly believed that I couldn't be helped.


For the past 20 years I experienced terrible bouts of anxiety in situations where I felt trapped.  Therapists tried to help me cope with anxiety, but nobody had ever sought to find out the reason why at aged 25 I began to have panic attacks.


It took the death of my brother last year for me to finally seek Ady's help.  Following his death, I quickly realised that I had missed out on so much with him, because more often than not, I said no to anything that I feared would bring on a panic attack. I had become a recluse, insofar as I rarely left my hometown. I decided I wasn't willing to miss out on spending time with family and friends anymore, so I made the call.


Over two days of work with Ady, he discovered the root to all my problems. He then put me through processes which allowed me to get rid of all my anxiety.  This was a way of working which previous therapists had never tried.  It was hard to get my head round but there was no doubt that the anxiety had gone.


In the weeks and months following, I tested myself in situations where previously I would have been unable to cope. Each time I challenged myself I found that this thing that had stopped me from experiencing and enjoying life was no longer a problem.


Ady explained that my subconscious mind did everything it did for a reason, even creating and storing anxiety.  He explained it in a way that really made sense to me, which allowed me to trust the work he got me to do with my sub-conscious.  The vast majority of the time I experience no anxiety whatsoever.  If occasionally I do feel a little twinge in places where I used to experience panic attacks, I know that it is simply an old pattern that is getting less and less and I have my own way of now dealing successfully with that.


I am now much more confident and a hell of a lot calmer than I was before my sessions with Ady. I am now making plans in my life and I can finally look forward to them.  I am able to live my life, and that feels amazing.


Here are some of the messages I sent to Ady in the weeks and months following our sessions that tell the story of how my time with Ady has helped to change my life.


"Hi Ady.  Went to Reeth and then over the top to Barny.  Pea soup at times and a couple of very brief moments of panic, but very quick and easily dealt with."


"Hi Ady. I'm in Lincoln.  The journey down was a complete non-event, which feels brilliant.  It's been a while since it's just been a boring journey.  I was talking the other day about someone I know with anxiety and unconsciously found myself saying that they are like I used to be.  I can really feel the change in me.  I'm not saying I haven't had the odd moment at times when I shouldn't be, but I feel a different person. Thanks again for all your help!"


"Hi Ady. Hope you're well! The wins keep on coming! 😁 I did my first train journey in a few years, no issues whatsoever.  I've also just been down to Scunthorpe to visit family.  Hit a traffic jam, which normally would trigger fight or flight.  Didn't bat an eyelid.  Just feels amazing to keep having these tests and finding that whatever was there before has gone.  I always told myself my anxiety had gone since our sessions.  Now, I've got proof. Again, I can't thank you enough for all you did."

Michael Atkinson





Before I worked with Ady I let my perfectionism get in the way of everything, but mainly of my own happiness. I never deemed myself as good enough, was very self-conscious, asked everyone around me for opinions on everything - even on the texts I sent to my friends. 


Deeming myself as not good enough seems odd if you look at what I have accomplished in my life so far. I graduated from my University in the US — where I took classes in a language that is not my first — summa cum laude with a bachelor’s in computer science, I got accepted into a highly competitive PhD program at a prestigious research University in California and have continued to do well when it came to grades. 


And even though I had accomplished all these things, I still did not feel happy, successful, or good enough.  I put the bar so high for myself and wanted to make sure I did everything perfectly.  My dad saw that I was struggling and referred me to Ady, who he had also previously worked with.  During my time working with Ady.  Ady taught me a lot of things about where my emotions came from, their underlying roots, and about this thing called secondary gain I had never heard of before. 


The more I worked with Ady the better I understood myself, and where my negative thoughts towards myself were coming from.  I had talked to psychologists before, but they never addressed where exactly my emotions were coming from, they just taught me how to cope with them when they arose.  Ady, on the other hand, addressed the cause of the thoughts that arose, and worked with my subconscious, to really address the problems at the root where they came from to deal with them once and for all. 


He also taught me a lot about secondary gain, what it is, where it comes from, and how to deal with it appropriately to not let it lead to continued negative thoughts.  After my sessions with Ady, I feel a lot more confident and surer about myself, I am less stressed, and am able to live my life in a more balanced way.  I also now balance my school and social life in a much better way which has also made me a lot happier.  Overall, I am very happy with the results I have seen from my sessions and am a much happier and confident person overall.

Sophie Van Genderen

The Netherlands & The USA


Just want to say a huge thank you to Ady for helping me learn to cope with my anxiety and feel more positive. Due to having anxiety for a long time I was pessimistic about the service and how this was going to be any different to other therapies out there. Although I was sceptical, I was willing and open minded.  

My anxiety was something that was difficult to deal with on a day-to-day basis but speaking to Ady and working through past experiences and events in my life changing them from negative to positive thoughts has helped me move on and see things in a positive light. 

Ady was very professional and made me feel comfortable all throughout my sessions and was very accommodating due to work and home life commitment. 

I feel I now have the tools to deal with difficult situations by changing my thought process and not allowing things to affect me which are beyond my control by believing in myself and embedding self-belief in my thoughts. The experience has definitely changed my life and given me more self-confidence.

I would recommend anyone going through difficult times or lost in the busy world we live in to speak to Ady. He has definitely helped me be more positive and confident. So thank you again for your great service. 


Mashrufa Rayaz 

Newcastle upon Tyne



Hi Ady,

It was great to speak to you earlier. I have now added the bits I am happy to say under a different name, as we discussed.  I feel happier with the testimonial now as it better reflects me and what I have been able to achieve with your help. I hope you feel that it does too. 

Best wishes.

A Truly Remarkable Transformation.


I was initially put in touch with Ady through a friend.  I was very sceptical that anything or anyone could help me; after all I had tried many different types of therapy over the last thirty years in an attempt to put an end to my recurring bouts of depression, anxiety and two troubling phobias.  When I first spoke to Ady I was in the depths of another severe bout of anxiety and depression, despite taking antidepressants for the last ten years in an attempt to keep it at bay.  I had come to the conclusion that at 55 years of age, this was probably something I was stuck with for the rest of my life; dependant on antidepressant drugs and suffering from regular bouts of recurring depression.  Despite my initial reticence, Ady reassured me that these beliefs were just that – beliefs – and that they could change by working with my sub-conscious mind.  I thought, “He obviously doesn’t realise how bad a case I am!”  I had previously been told by one therapist that I was the most difficult case they had ever had to deal with, not exactly encouraging!


After a couple of video calls and a chat to one of Ady’s previous clients, I decided to take the plunge and put my trust in him as I really did have nothing to lose.  How glad I am that I invested in myself.  I found the courage to take that first vital step and to fully commit.  I could not for one minute however, have believed what a remarkable transformation would take place over just three days.  They were intense and sometimes challenging, however, at no stage did I feel overwhelmed.  The experience in the “magic chair” where, under the careful and skilful guidance of Ady, I was able to tap into my unconscious mind, was truly life changing.  I don’t really know how it happened but little by little, with positive encouragement from Ady, I was able to remove each heavy rock that had been weighing me down and holding me back, stopping me from reaching my goals and enjoying my life.  Ady was patient, encouraging and kind at all times and it felt like he truly was on my side. 


It is now three weeks since I completed those three days and I am truly a different person.  I have spoken to my doctor about reducing the strength of my medication and am now taking less than half the strength, with further reductions planned.  I deeply believe that the underlying causes for my recurring symptoms have now been resolved and that I will no longer need to take antidepressants.  I am very confident that by the end of this month, despite some unpleasant withdrawal affects, I will no longer be taking any medication relating to my depression.  I know I have the skills and knowledge to keep my backpack free of unwanted rocks.  Each morning I wake up excited about the day ahead and the future looks bright.


If you are wondering whether you can ever overcome a phobia or be free of your emotional baggage, I would urge you to put your trust in Ady.  I have returned home a truly different person with a renewed vigour and determination I haven’t felt for a very long time.  Ady has enabled me to find my true self.  I feel liberated, can now make decisions much more easily and complete a greater amount of work within the same timeframe.  I know there is still work left for me to do, but I feel a vitality and commitment to change I have not previously felt.


Today I was suddenly faced with one of my phobias which would previously see me turn into a jelly legged wreck.  Miraculously, I remained totally calm and at ease with the situation. I could never have imagined such a change could take place and I feel so relieved to be free of this embarrassing phobia.


Thank you Ady, you are one in a million and I will forever be grateful to you for releasing me from my fears and giving me the chance to experience and enjoy life to the full.


Elizabeth Channing




This was sent to the head of an organisation that regularly employs me.  I have had permission from all involved to publish this here.


Firstly, I would like to personally thank those in your Team for identifying the correct support I needed from my initial questionnaire and thus passing me over to Ady for this type of work.  I will be totally honest when I say I was rather sceptical given the fact that I believed my issue was purely work related, although I was not naive enough to understand that other events that had occurred in my personal life over the past 18 months had not played a part in my then “blocked state of mind”.  Sceptical though I was I gratefully took the help and guidance from Ady and would conclude that the impact on my mindset has been quite staggering and has truly exceeded any expectation I initially held.


I had not realised, grasped nor understood until I started working with Ady how much emotional baggage I was carrying and how deep rooted this was in my whole belief system and behaviours, most of which, can I say, I have been arguing to myself and others were correct for decades!  It was these deep rooted belief systems that brought me to the position I found myself in April this year literally stuck in life’s “quicksand”.  This has been an amazing journey for me which has touched my emotional, physical and mental states at different times over these past weeks and believe Ady should be awarded a medal for sticking with my constant challenging psyche, where I have persistently and consistently challenged what Ady was advising me, until I was convinced it was true, which of course it was.


To conclude, my time with Ady have allowed me to restore the confidence in my own judgement and self-belief which had been eroded not just over the past 18 months but the past 30 years.  It has allowed me to draft my work wish-list knowing and believing I can just stick to it rather than deviate from the path.  This sounds so simple but believe me, it evidently was not.  When I reflect on how many books and training courses I have read and attended over my career, I do marvel that this time with Ady has outstripped them all added together.


Kind regards and thank you again,


Andrea Gault

Accountant, Finance Director, Accounting professional




By text from Mr Heath Brewood a week after our last session:


Hi Ady,


Just had to text you.  Feeling great, very positive.  I have a bigger picture ahead of me now, no longer feeling my way through the gutter.  When I get a chance tomorrow, I will do a testimonial for your website.  Everyone needs this!


Thank you very much.

By email next day:

Hi Ady,

Heading : Life Changing

When I was first put in contact with Ady, he told me of a procedure that would revolutionise my thinking and shake off the negative thoughts that were holding me back from what I want to achieve.  He explained the procedure, which I was mightily sceptical about, but I went with it anyway. 


The procedure focusses on any negative thoughts from past experiences and somehow turns them into positive experiences.

I still don’t fully understand but after just a few sessions with him my whole life has been opened up to new opportunities.  I now have a firm grasp on life with clear visions of the future, my life is better organised and my business is starting to flourish .

He is very easy to talk to and is very understanding, caring and patient.  He has life experience and brilliant training with lots of empathy.  

Even if you're not sure what’s missing in your life, to help you to achieve your goals, chat with Ady.  The most influential person in my life.  Well worth a try.

Ady, sorry to make you blush…

Kindest Regards, 


Heath Brewood



After much persuading by my wife, with an open mind I invested 3 days away from the office and my perceived busy lifestyle , I switched my phone off and got the train down to Devon to meet Ady Cole.  This was a real leap of faith for someone like me who never thought I needed any kind of fixing.


How wrong I was. The negativity and baggage that I have dragged around with me for years were so ingrained that they had become my norm.  Being miserable was my default setting.  I had never occurred that I could actually do something about it.


The 3 day programme has changed my outlook on myself, my family and the other people around me.  Now if you want someone to just listen to your gripes, make you feel good for a minute and give you some sympathy then Ady is not the man for you.  He is plain speaking, is capable of asking very challenging questions and it can be tough to look in the mirror, but sometimes you need to rip off the plaster to get to the real issues.  Having said this, there is no judgement, only kindness and you always know he is on your side.


We are all busy and we all think that we are important in some way or other.  Upon reflection it seems ludicrous that we barely spend any time, money or effort taking care of our biggest asset, ourselves.


If you want to get straight to the point, be challenged, get to grips with your own issues without any psycho babble then Ady Cole is your man.  It was a truly life changing experience for me and I now also have the comfort of being able to reach out to Ady if I ever have a dip.  He is always there for me.


I have worked in the music industry for over 30 years as a live touring agent representing worldwide talent. I have had the good fortune to become close to some of the most famous artists in the world.  I have lived a very blessed life.  But hear this, Ady Cole is my absolute hero and I feel humbled that he has invested so much time in me.  With his help, I have become a much happier person who is now kinder to myself and much more understanding of others. 


Look, there is no miracle cure for anyone and we are all “works in progress” but I can only express the difference Ady has made to me.  Please invest in yourself, it’s all we truly have at the end of the day.


Paul Fitzgerald 





Hi Ady,

I know that it has taken me a while to do this but I have been trying to understand the process myself before I give feedback as I know how important it is.  


I am very happy to verify this testimonial for anyone or talk to anyone who is undecided about using your services.

Thank You xx

I started working with Ady a year ago I have never done anything like this before and really didn't know what to expect. I was totally stressed out, bitter and angry which was making me lose focus and waste all of my energy.  It was me against the world and I had been wronged, it wasn’t an easy process but then dealing with demons never was going to be.

It has taken a year for me to really see and understand the results.  What I can honestly say is that I am no longer angry with key people who (at the time) I perceived had let me down.  Ady's work helped me heal, forgive and move on.  A true gift that I will forever be grateful to him for, also the process has made me realise how mentally strong I actually always have been but I couldn’t see it a year ago as I was getting in my own way with my negative thoughts!

As if that wasn’t enough he has also taught me how to remain mentally focused in times of adversity which has paid dividends for my performance.  I still have off days but I just go back to the toolbox that Ady has engrained in my mindset. I will never forget what he has done for me and I would 100% recommend.


South Wales



Hi Ady,


I just needed to write to tell you about the instant and dramatic impacts that my sessions with you have had.  


Prior to our sessions I had a number of emotional blocks that had developed over a number of years and via an array of experiences.  These blockages were creating difficulty dealing with some issues around, authority, my family, my personal identity and my previous relationships.  These were not only restricting my professional growth and personal relationships but also having a negative impact upon my family; and I noticed that as I got older these issues were becoming more limiting.  


I am a mature, intelligent and reasonably well-read man.  I can motivate and develop myself and I am perfectly capable of utilising logic and reason; and so when your services were recommended to me I was cynical about what you would be able to do for me that I could not do for myself.  


After our sessions together my limiting emotional connections had been (miraculously and) completely removed.  I was immediately able to contact and meet an ex-partner, who I hadn’t spoken to for a number of years and discussed dispassionately how we could work together for the benefits of our children and grandchildren.   I have also noticed that issues that I previously had with identity and authority no longer have the same emotional drag that they previously had.  The memories are still there; the negative emotional connections are not.

The results of my sessions with you were liberating in a way that I could not have imagined.  I cannot thank you enough and I would not hesitate to recommend your service to anyone who is experiencing limiting behaviours that are linked to negative emotions.

Peter Daley



Thanks for the past week, it was one of the most valuable things I’ve done yet.  To start with I was a bit sceptical but my time with you ended up being so much better than I thought.  The feeling is like having much weight lifted off my shoulders.  I thought I was fine but I realised I was deceiving myself and getting to the route of what I though was the issue and dealing with it was great. 


Now I’m feeling so much happier, calmer and more confident.  For the first time in a long time I’ve been able to have a good night's sleep.  Incidentally, my heart rate in the morning has now gone from between 70 and 80 down to 61.


Thanks again for helping me.

I’m happy for you to share this as well.


Scott Peattie


(14 days later) I have not stopped smiling.  Everyone has noticed.  I am waking up early and feeling enthusiastic about going to work.  I am speaking up in meetings and groups.  I am also finding myself confident to initiate conversations with people which is a massive change.  I am also getting on really well with someone at work, with whom I had a difficult relationship and my senior manager thinks I have taken something!  

In  2 weeks, I am going on a personal impact course and the course literature says that everyone will be asked to give a 5 minute presentation on themselves and what they do.  Before I would have been really nervous at the thought of it but now I am really excited by the idea!


Hi Ady,


Just wanted to drop you an email to give you an update on how things are going since we met up a couple of weeks ago.


I can’t believe the change in my whole approach to life in general if I’m being completely honest with you.  As I said when we met up for our first session I really didn’t know what to expect or know what I was looking to get out of our meetings.  All I did know was I had nothing to lose and I really did need some help to clear my head and get rid of a lot of negative baggage.  I am so glad I came down and spent a few days with you.  I feel completely re-energised and able to push forward in both my personal and work life.  The clouds really have lifted for the first time in years and it has made me excited about the future for the first time in many years.  I believe the “20 year bad mood” has finally ended and everyone has commented on the change in my approach to life in general.


I have even taken on the small challenges/goals you mentioned and my sister and I are making the time to talk to each other every day at some point.  There is even laughter involved in our chats, which is something I couldn’t even have dreamt about in the past!  Most importantly there has been no drinking during the week which has had another massive positive impact in my whole wellbeing.  Things are certainly improving each day and although I know that there will be many bumps on the road I truly believe that with your help I am becoming a better person that will be able to handle any challenges I meet along this exciting new journey.


I would definitely recommend you to anyone who I thought was going through any of the issues I had buried deep inside me, as although it’s hard to explain to other people what you do and how you go about it all I can say to them is it really does work and I’m living proof!  If it can work for me I believe it can work for just about anyone.

David Chapman




“I spent time with Ady in December following a difficult six month period that had really impacted both my well-being and several areas of my life including my relationship with my husband, my family and my work.  It is probably one of the best decisions I have ever made and I can confidently say that it both changed my life and probably saved my marriage.


All of us deal with trauma and stress and it is human nature that those moments leave their mark, and over time that impact can accumulate in a way that can interfere with how we want to behave and the things we want to achieve.  Ady helped identify what those issues were for me and then with great care, helped manage them so that they were not something I carried forward in the same way.  Since December, I have found so much positivity, joy, and confidence which I’ve not only noticed in myself but has been commented on by my line manager, boss, friends, colleagues and family.  I feel like a better brighter version of myself.


My only wish is that I could have spent more time over a few days rather than trying to do so much in a single day – it was still hugely beneficial but I’d like to return and do more work in the future. “

Libby Stroud-Kroon

Johnnie Walker Global Brand Team




Testimonial – Ady Cole


'I can honestly say that meeting Ady Cole changed my life.  Before I met him, I had been ill for several years, bouncing in and out of psychiatric institutions and having undergone a few rounds of therapy.  At first, his approach seemed quite different to the standard therapies offered by mainstream clinics, but I could see how it would get to the heart of the matter, and so I decided it was worth a go. 


Although the sessions were taxing, I always felt safe, and I could feel the accumulated difference in myself as we went through.  By the end, I finally had the felt sense that something integral had shifted inside me, and that I could act and respond differently in the world: I could be the high-functioning, connected, caring person I used to be.


The change was immediate, it didn’t need to sink in.  A wonderful line from Ady himself, is that change happens in the blink of an eye; you may feel that it has taken you years to change, but actually, it has taken you years to build up to the day when you can say yes to change, and then the change happens.


I am thankful for all the care and therapies I have experienced over the past few years, and they have undoubtedly helped guide me to the place I am today.  But meeting Ady was the real change point in my life, and I know that I am finally out of the dark place for good. I cannot recommend him highly enough.  If you feel lost and don’t know where to turn, you should approach him; I’m positive it will help.'


Elizabeth Lucas

Royal Navy Officer




Adrian Cole

I first met Ady quite by chance.  He lives at the bottom of my lane and I often walk past his house on the way to the beach and town.  We’ve chatted a few times ‘over the garden gate’ so to speak.  I’m naturally inquisitive but sensed a barrier around him.  However, I did learn that, like me, he is an ex-serviceman so I knew that we must have something in common!  One day I mentioned that I really ought to lose some weight. The next thing I know, he’s given me a coffee with sugar, a chocolate digestive biscuit and his business card!

At home I reviewed his website and discovered another side to this fellow! Instead of pursuing my first thoughts of how I might be able to be of help to him, over a period of time I wondered if, with his considerable training, he might actually be able to be of help to me!

We agreed to meet ‘formally’ to explore matters in depth and I somewhat reluctantly agreed that I would embark on the first stage of ‘the process’.  I cannot quite explain what happened but I felt that a great weight had been lifted from my shoulders.  As part of my plan I agreed to stop drinking alcohol and set the first day of spring, 21st March 2018, as my memorable day.  I put my whisky in a cupboard out of sight and started on my journey of discovery.

I’ve now successfully passed the 20th anniversary of the death of my younger son, a milestone which I thought might just break my resolve, but now have a clear 12 months behind me since I made my pact with Ady.  I’ve had not a drop of alcohol in all that time.

Perhaps you too are carrying a similar load without fully appreciating its impact on your life.  An hour of exploration with Mr Cole might just improve your life forever too.

David G. Brooks
Budleigh Salterton



I was recently presented with the opportunity to meet with Ady and as apprehensive as I was, I knew if I really wanted my life and thought processes to change then I had to take the opportunity.

The process is uncomfortable at times, but once you push through, the benefits far outweigh a little discomfort. 


I had recently been off work with stress and had been taking anxiety medication for a number of months and migraine medication for a few years. After a day and a half of working with Ady I am confident that I can speak to my GP about a plan to begin removing the medication. 


Ady asked me how I felt after our session,  I felt I was wearing boxing gloves & able to do anything and before I was in a hole wearing mittens and couldn’t grip anything to climb out.


Ady’s ability to guide you to the root cause of emotional issues that you may not even realise are there is something I have never come across before and am extremely grateful to him for working with me to allow me to overcome obstacles I had put in my own way.

Vikki T.




As human beings I believe we carry negative experiences and the emotions linked to them like Velcro attachments.  Even if we ignore them, or think we have moved forward, they are there clinging on, impacting on us unless we work on them.  For me, I am consciously aware that I need to offload some of those attachments when my eczema flares up or I have lost my motivation and drive.  As a coach and trainer, I feel it is important to keep myself emotionally healthy and clear so that I can be the best for my clients.  The reason I go to Ady for this is because he is professional, supportive and knowledgable at what he does.  Spectrum Emotional Coaching is the best method I have found for emotional detoxing and Ady’s understanding and use of the model is impeccable.  I want to work with the best in the field, that is why I go to Ady.

Anna Meardon

Executive Coach, Trainer and Facilitator



After reaching a difficult point in my life I went to see Ady and it's no exaggeration to say that he helped me turn my life around.  With his support, guidance and expertise I was able to free myself of some long term baggage that I’d been carrying, making the necessary changes to deal with what was directly in front of me.  I felt totally comfortable with Ady from the outset and had no reservations in trusting him to guide me through this tough time.

I’m happy to say that I am now living a more free, happy and confident life and seeing Ady has been integral to that.  I can’t thank Ady enough and would highly recommend seeing him if you are at a crossroads in your life and need some help clearing a way forward.

Devon, UK




Hi Ady,


Before I met you, it felt like there was a dark cloud surrounding me to the point where I was just existing - not living or enjoying my life and it had got to a point where I knew that I had to make a change. You made me feel so welcome/relaxed and totally un-judged to the extent that I, for the first time in a long time was aware of what I needed to change. I feel uplifted and re-energised and at peace with myself now I have the tools to deal with situations that would have challenged me before. Feeling very grateful and positive, the drive home on the M4 felt like a new start. Totally recommend. Thank you so much.

Thank you!

Rachel T.  

South Wales, UK



I met Ady in my mid twenties on a Unit Expedition Leaders course where he was the Royal Marine instructor. I’d spent 8 years in the Navy and was in my last week but facing an uncertain future.
I wanted to join the police but failed the recruitment tests. I had at the time of the UEL let my fitness slip, so in all felt like a complete failure. Ady was someone who the course looked up to. He left an impression of a person who continually strived to put their best self forward while encouraging others to do the same. I recall asking Ady if he thought I had what it took to become a police officer. He told me I could if I found the self confidence. What I didn’t realise then is that I would spend the next 2 decades looking for that confidence and end up having another conversation with Ady but as my counsellor.
After the Navy I returned home to Scotland but wound up in a low paid job. Friends encouraged me to reapply for Hampshire police. I did and nearly 20 years later felt on a real high. I’d worked uniform, later became an experienced detective and had just landed a new role as a trainer. I lived in a cosy coastal cottage with my partner of 7 years, had recently got engaged and enjoyed a good relationship with his teenage daughter.
Life was good and I wanted to see if I could contact Ady to say ‘hey look I made it’. The conversation years earlier had a positive lasting effect. Hardly surprising I found him as a successful life coach and therapist. But I never got round to sending the email. 
By the following spring I did contact Ady but in desperation. I hadn’t realised by the time I arrived in training, how close I was to a nervous breakdown. Being a police officer is a tough job. You witness the worst side of humanity. If it’s not what you see, it transfers onto you from those you deal with. The shift work, long hours, trauma you see  in people’s lives, it exhausts you and leaves a scar. Then add in your own personal story, and everybody has one. Mine was a reproductive disease that wrecked my fertility and ended with an early hysterectomy, bereavement and some negative influences from our family. It took its toll on my job and relationship. I was at breaking point. As Ady would later explain,  I had too many rocks in my rucksack. The invisible baggage we all carry round. 
After a few phone calls I met up with Ady and completed a day going through emotional spectrum therapy. It was intense and took the whole day but I can’t say enough about the lasting positive effects.
The therapy itself as a concept is brilliant. It doesn’t re-traumatise you by talking about past events but still let’s you go through the emotions until you get your inner balance back.
It’s hard to explain but it’s like the individual event debrief you needed but never got. It’s like switching the reset button back to your authentic self. It’s you minus the rocks you were carrying.
The best thing is how Ady applies the therapy. He has a natural insight into people and how to get the best from them in a non-judgmental and empathetic way. His own personal experiences, openness to change and learning, encourages others to follow suit. 
But ultimately Ady instilled a sense that the person isn’t healed by him but by the process and the individual’s willingness to change. We are in control of our own lives, Ady is just happy to be the coach and guide.
I left feeling balanced, positive and calm. The work I did with Ady has had a lasting effect. I’m writing almost a year later. I’ve learned to value myself. And when you know your value and can define your life purpose, it’s a game changer.
My thanks to Ady, I would recommend his life and people skills in all that he does.

Annie Keir, UK


I have worked with Adrian Cole of Mind & Performance twice within a month, both times for a whole day and more. This allowed me to really address issues with Spectrum Emotional Therapy that had been there for a long time. As a therapist myself I have trained in Hakomi Body-centred Psychotherapy, Transactional Analysis, Pre- and Perinatal Psychology, NLP, CBT, EFT and Matrix Re-imprinting over the last three decades, but I firmly believe that Spectrum Emotional Coaching under the guidance of Adrian has been the most successful technique used for personal transformation so far. I may have had valuable cognitive insights into "my" themes without having been able to transform them but Adrian's considerable skill, lightness of touch, unjudgemental approach, expertise and empathy allowed me to feel in safe hands right from the start. Adrian is thorough, clear, unflappable and concise in his teaching and he ensures that his clients get measurable benefit and therefore value from these sessions. Now I am looking forward to the future. I am excited about putting into practice what we have discussed and have began to make significant changes in my life. I have no hesitation in recommending Adrian Cole as a coach for organisations as well as individuals - and I don't do that lightly.

Anna - Oxford, UK




Despite initially being sceptical about change-work as described by Ady, I trusted him implicity.   He let me set the pace of my own change and he spent our first two sessions just explaining different ways that I could alter how I thought about things.  This in itself, changed how I felt about my situation which proved massively helpful.  It made an immediate difference to my state of mind and consequently how I felt from day to day.  I then plucked up the courage to do some emotional coaching and whilst I found it tiring, I was very pleased that I did not have to talk about any specific events in my past.  The effect was immediate.  I felt emotionally lighter and once I began to look, I noticed how I was reacting differently to things that would normally have caused me stress. Others noticed straight away that I was calmer and more in control and this was true even for those who did not realise that I had done any work in this area of my life.  This was empowering in itself.   Getting rid of my negative emotions around past events and also removing some internal conflicts (I now realise this is what they were) that had been with me for a long while, has changed my life in ways that I would never have believed possible and it is still strange for me to think that this was achieved in such a short time.  Now, when I hear people talking about not being able to move on from traumatic events, I now know that this is absolutely possible, albeit with some effort and commitment but certainly in a way that is far easier than I ever could have imagined.  I feel that I am a better mother, wife and friend as a result of this and find my increased awareness around emotion and human behaviour valuable every single day in so many ways.  

In concIusion, I can't thank Ady enough and I would recommend him to anyone, unreservedly, whatever the nature of their problem.


Louise - Devon, UK




Ady's manner is supportive and very well aligned to my feelings and responses. I felt comfortable, calm and relaxed in his company; able to be honest, without feeling judged or absurd. With no clear expectations of any outcome, my feelings afterwards came with some suprise. I felt reinvigorated in my outlook of my future, not that before it appeared in anyway dull, looking back I may well have been lacking some energy towards some aspects of what lay ahead. I now feel refreshed, revitalised and I look forward with new inspired thoughts and plans, the buzz and excitement is there, present and alive again.


My sincere thanks, Chris


Chris - Devon, UK


If you wish to speak to any of these people, please ask.  

Several of them have said they would be open to chatting with others who (like they were) are maybe a little sceptical, perhaps need convincing that they could benefit or that it is a worthwhile investment.

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