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Emotional Change Work - What is it?


Any comprehnsive emotional coaching or emotional therapy will include processes that successfully allow someone to resolve negative emotion and replace negative 'core beliefs' or 'fixed ideas' that have become part of a person's internal programming.  These unhelpful and limiting beliefs together with the negative emotion can manifest themselves in many seemingly unconnected behavioural ways or just in feelings of general unhappiness, underconfidence, depression and so on.  


Resolving past experiences and the negative emotion stored therein is different from rationalising them.  You often hear people say they "I have dealt with that" but this is likely to be just rationalisation occurring in the cognitive part of our mind.  Unless change has occurred in the subconscious too, we have never truly dealt with the issue. In an effort to move on from tough emotional events, we eventually rationalise the.  We use different perspectives, insights from others, natural wisdom that comes with age and greater experience to do this.  Loss is one we all learn to rationalise because we have to but the weight can still remain and things may be left unsaid.  


We often rationalise past experiences like bullying by saying, "The bullies were just bullied themselves" and "We were all just children", "They can't bully me now" etc. etc. but the emotion we stored then may well still be felt if we revisit the memories and the beliefs we created around ourself at that time (and then subsequently strengthened later) in most cases still remain.  If they do, it remains unresolved and will lower our performance, most often outside our conscious awareness, until we change that.  


Then biggest challenge is we seldom connect the troublesome feelings or behaviours with their root cause and this is where we need a little help.


By changing the underlying beliefs/ideas around our identity, releasing stored/surpressed/buried negative emotion people typically feel lighter, calmer, more confident, more capable, more optimistic and more empowered.  


There is more than one approach to creating change at the subconscious level and if required we can use processes that are, for all intents and purposes, 'content free' i.e.

the client does not need to go into detail about areas of negativity.


All that is required is to identify those areas.  This is most helpful for things that are potentially difficult or embarrassing for a client to talk about.

Resolve rather than just rationalise

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